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Merry Bobbins August 2011

There are 3 pages so be sure to click on the arrow on the top left.

Source for fabric dyes - Dharma Trading Co. Flower Pounding - available from Amazon
New quilt shop in Carpinteria: Roxanne's A Wish and A Dream Bent Out of Square patterns - Karla Alexander
Tropical Breeze pattern: Cozy Quilts of El Cajon Blooming Nine Patch pattern
Judy's Santa Barbara Breezes - Triangle Free Quilts Toni's Jewel Box quilt - free pattern
Leslie's 'paper tote' - Flashbags Online Carol's Tumbling Blocks - came from Keepsake Quilting catalog


Judy's eBay blocks made up beautifully.

The person who pieced these blocks used a variety of cloth materials, not all cotton.

Helena's stunning applique and pieced sampler.

Leslie showing her fabric dye samples from her days leading Girl Scouts.

Everyone is thinking, maybe we should give this a try!

Flower Pounding samples by Leslie Dodge. Anotther workshop for the group possibly.

Sun-dyed, tie dyed, etc.

Closeup of a flower pounding sample.

Love this! After the flower 'ink' is dry, you outline the shapes with a permanent Micron pen.

Cathy looking relaxed after a crazy morning!

Marilyn showing her Tropical Breeze quilt. This is her third quilt in just a few months!

The orange colored fabric adds to the design in such a way that this is not particularly a Christmas quilt.

Bonnie created the Tropical Breeze quilt using black and white and lime.

The floral border really gives this quilt a personality!

Proudly presented, nice big smiles. Now, get it finished!!

Cathy shared this unusual and colorful African cloth.

Cathy and Judy admiring the fabric.

Cathy's Bent Out of Square quilt. We really enjoyed this one.

Gorgeous colors!

An unusual Blooming Nine Patch by Judy. Very very rich colors.

The back of the Blooming Nine Patch, with Ruth Campbell checking it out.

Prolific this month, Judy shows us the bright colorful blocks she is preparing as a gift.